Monday, March 30, 2009

Thy will be done . . .

Yesterday at church a member of our choir recited the Lord's Prayer before a song. I was stopped in my thoughts as I listened to his voice.
Our Father which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done,
on earth, as in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our sins
As we forgive those who have sinned against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil.
Thy will be done -- as I heard him say this, I was engulfed with emotion. Thy will and not mine. I realized that our lives are in His hands. As hard as I try to pray and hope for my sister, her life is in our Good Lord's hands. She has known this all along and she has tried to tell me this time and again. I am the one that cannot let her go. I continue to pray for hope, for healing, and then I pray for mercy - that she may not suffer. God bless her.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Thoughts . . .

We went to see a movie today just because we wanted to. Perhaps still celebrating my son's 18th birthday, perhaps a last small hurrah for my off-track vacation, or perhaps a little bit of family time together. I'm not much of a go-to-the-movies type of person, but if I had to see a movie this year it had to be the new Nicholas Cage movie "Knowing." I like disaster movies, I like Nicholas Cage as an actor, therefore; this was the movie to see. And it was GOOD!!! The ending was unexpected, but like my son said, "Didn't you see all the clues?" Not really. When I watch a movie, I really get into the plot. Sometimes I'll analyze, but for the most part, I just go with the flow of the storyline. It's more exciting that way :-).

Our youngest son turned 18 which is something to really think about. When my husband and I were young before the children, it was all about us. We enjoyed doing many things together, going places, and just being together. Through the last 30 years plus, it has been all about our children. I love being a mother -- this is all I wanted to do since I was young -- be a mother. I didn't think career or being out there for any reason -- I just wanted to be a mother. I know I will always be, but gosh darn it, they grow up and move on with their own lives. They become independent - God bless them. Like my husband says and has always said -- "We teach them until they are 18, what they do with the rest of their lives is up to them." We're here for you, kids, if and when you need us - we'll always be here, and in the same breath I say -- study hard, be successful, take care of yourselves. . . and don't forget our Good Lord. He's the one that has made all you have possible (we have only helped along the way :-)

And now I think it will soon be my honey and I again -- Ahhhh what to do? :-) I think I'll plan a weekend trip!!

I went to see my sister yesterday -- she is doing so good. She sounds better and looks stronger. I keep hoping for a complete healing. I have to believe it's possible. I don't want to think anything else.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Happy Dance!

Today I saw the "Happy Dance" on tv. I was cracking up watching people do the "Happy Dance!" It was so funny. I hadn't laughed by myself in quite some time. Ahhhh life. What can I say? We can still laugh at the little things, at people doing a silly little dance. Thank you Lord for silly little dances and for people who do them just to make us laugh. God bless them!

Today I am going to see my sister. I am making her a Surprise Cake and sugar cookies because she likes them. She'll probably eat a little tiny piece, and that's ok. I just want to make her a little happy -- maybe I'll do the "Happy Dance" for her :-).

Sunday, March 15, 2009

A Beautiful Wedding

Yesterday we went to a wedding in the beautiful wine country of Temecula. I had never been out this way and I was in awe of the peacefulness and beauty. As we waited for the wedding to begin, we were offered sparkling white wine and appetizers.
Beautiful flowers were placed around the wedding alter -- just right.

The reception was so nice. Dinner was DELICIOUS! After the tasty salad, I had the sirloin steak with portabella mushrooms and roasted potatoes. My husband had the Chardonnay chicken with similar veggies. Along with our dinner we were offered different wines. My husband and I love wine-tasting. It was great to be able to taste all these wonderful wines. We toasted with champagne, and then we (I - since my husband was the DD-designated driver :-) had a red sparkly wine called Rose (pronouced ros-say), I had a yummy wine similar to Merlot, and also a drier wine which the waitress recommended to have with my steak -- she was so right!!
After dinner, we had a slice of the chocolate wedding cake. I was so full!!!
Then we danced!!!
Someone at each table got to take the centerpiece home which were the flowers and vase pictured above. We won!!!
We had a truly wonderful evening - it had been a while since we had done something like this - enjoy the beauty of life, especially to see two people who love each other very much begin a new life together. We are so happy for them. God bless them always.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

A New Book

My little sister gave me this book last week. I began to read it as I sat in the waiting room of my husband's doctor (check-up). The inside cover caught my attention, "What do spiritual convictions have to do with traffic jams, job anxiety, reading the newspaper, or arguing with your spouse." According to the author, everything. Ok, I'm hooked. I continued to read and the beginning was written in a "magical, mystical, realms of consciousness" sort of way. She went on to talk about a "lost dimension" of experience that we all yearn for -- the nature of our reality. She makes a connection from the mystical to the spiritual and how as children we were drawn to stories in which people lived a more magical existence. As we've became older, we lose the magic, not realizing that it still lives within us -- we just need to find it.

I've never been much of a Harry Potter fan, although my son was one of those children waiting in line at the bookstore at 4:00 in the morning with his dad for the next 400 page edition of the new book. He would read it to me and talk about the characters in a way that I could not understand. As he read he became a part of this storyline and this magical place of Muggles.

The author goes on to speak of "The Mystical Wands." These are spiritual principles. Now she's talking my language :-).

Interesting was the thought that "all the darkness in the world stems from the darkness in the heart." Deep and profound, but yet so simple. I have always known this. I remember telling my children this very thought when they were small and fought with each other. "He is your brother, or she is your sister --you are all you have, do not stay angry with each other, do not let your heart get dark." Did they understand that when they were six and ten years old? I think they did because they love each other and look for each other to this day. They are adults now and I don't think I've ever seen them angry with each other.

We strive to be good, spritual people. We are only human and we often fail, but we continue to try.

Ok sister, this book is different from my Nicholas Sparks romance novels :-), but it has my interest. I'll have to really contemplate what I read and let you know what I think. :-)

Sunday, March 8, 2009


My husband and I went to see my sister yesterday. She is feeling so much better, although the nausea continues, sometimes a little, sometimes a lot. But she looks better, too. God bless her.

My brother and little sister were also there, visiting from Washington and Idaho. Gosh, it was nice to see them. My brother is one year younger than me, so therefore, we were all together, the three oldest children. It was great. We laughed as we reminisced about our lives. We talked, at times, seriously, but with hope. My sister has so much faith and love in the Lord. She has put her life in God's hands. I marvel at her way of being.

I think I have seen my brother maybe five times in the last 25 years. He made me laugh so much. He's a good brother.

And my little sister, our baby sister, is so precious. We absolutely love her. She reminds me of my mama - sweet.

We are so blessed. :-)

Vacation is here -- YES!!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Two days before we go off track. I am so ready. Yesterday we had Parent-Teacher conferences. I have some really great parents who are caring and concerned, but isn't it something when the parents that you really want to see don't show up. What's up with that? They returned their "I will attend" note and I waited and waited. Nothing. It's about their child. ?????

Nevertheless, I'll still contact them over the phone. I'm too tired to make another appointment, but chances are I will. These are the students who I need help for -- through their parents.

One month off -- I need it. :-)

Monday, March 2, 2009


I come from a big family - 5 brothers and 4 sisters, many nieces and nephews. Everyone has been making their way to Southern Cali to see our sister. I think about this and I am grateful that they feel in their hearts to come and see her.

I think about all our family reunions when my dad was still alive. I don't think we were ever all together. To this day we never have been altogether. My dad died many years ago and I miss him dearly. I remember I had a dream of him once a couple of years after he had passed away. I was sitting at a "puesto" somewhere in Mexico, I imagined in Cortazar, Gto. where my dad grew up. My dad was cutting someone's hair (he used to do this when he was alive - cut anyone's hair). I glanced over at him and he was younger and strong -- standing. He said to me, "Prieta, es posible que me traigas un limon?" (Is it possible for you to bring me a lemon?) I jumped off the stool and said, "Sure, Dad." And as I said that, I sat up in bed. My husband asked where I was going, and I wanted so much to go back to that dream to see my dad again. This is when I knew he was just fine.

My sister continued my parent's Christmas parties inviting anyone who wanted to come. She always called my family "the die-hards" because we always came no matter what. Then again we live only 45 minutes away. :-) I always went for my mom and for her. Christmas is her favorite holiday like it was for my dad.

We continue to come because we love her.
Our sadness is overwhelming. . .

Music of the Heart

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