Thursday, April 29, 2010


Today we handed out information about our teachers who are getting laid off. We stood on the outer perimeters of our school with our black clothes and our soon-to-be laid off teachers in pink to go along with their dreaded pink slips. The information was in English and Spanish which I thought was a good strategy on the part of our union. We are close to 100% Latino population. It is odd to see a blond child at our school and when we do, this child definitely stands out.

Our students are I'm sure taken a back to see us, their teachers, away from the classroom handing out papers. The first question they asked today was, "Teacher, what were you doing?" My response is, "Let your parents read it and explain it to you." I feel sad for my fellow teachers who were pink slipped. They carry a worry with them that I would not want. Many of them are young and barely beginning their lives in the teaching world. I love my job, sometimes it doesn't seem like a job at all because of what I do. I love spending time with my students and teaching them new things. I try to make it exciting for them. Today one of my students said, "Mrs. L., Math is like a puzzle and we figured it out." I was so happy to hear that from her. "Yes, it's like a puzzle, isn't it exciting?"I have such a good time with them.

I wish my young teacher friends good luck tomorrow as they meet with the union to see what they can do next and what to expect.

Life~forever changing.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

A Lazy Afternoon . . .

Such a nice, comfortable Sunday afternoon. My honey is planning a "jam" memorial for our dear friend, Dave, who passed away a little while back and met with friends to make the final arrangements. Sounds like it will be a major event. I only worry about the food and hope that there will be enough. I enjoy music a lot, especially if it's live. I just hope all goes well. I expressed my concerns and I hope they take them into account. I've been correcting papers and getting things ready for work tomorrow.

I look at our calendar for next month and the next few months and they are packed with things happening with our families and friends. It's going to be busy.

Sad to hear about the new law Arizona passed this last week against Mexicans -- well, alright, anyone who is undocumented, but come on, AZ is on the border of Mexico and it doesn't take much to see that this bill is aimed at the Mexican. There will definitely be racial profiling going on. We're planning a graduation trip this next month, sad to say, it may be out last trip out that way for quite a long while. I'd get so mad if they stopped us to ask for documentation. What was that governor thinking??? There has to be a better way to figure out this "problem."

Last week a mom brought me "tacos de lengua" -- oh my gosh!!! they were so delicious!!!!! For my English speaking readers, "tacos de lengua" are tacos with beef tongue :). So, so goood!!!
As a thank you I am going to make them chocolate chip cookies - won't compare to such a delicacy, but I hope they like them :). Here's wishing everyone a good week. I can't believe it's already the last week of April.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Saturday, April 17, 2010

A Wonderful Housewarming!!

Went to a very nice housewarming party today for a sweet young teacher friend of mine. It was so nice to see old friends and visit with new ones. Her home was beautiful and comfortable. She is so blessed.
As I was getting ready, I thought about where I was at her age, certainly not buying a house :). We rented for so long. I think we had been married almost ten years before we bought a house. I'm amazed at what young people can do nowadays with a good education behind them.
Nevertheless, I had such a nice time chatting with friends especially a young teacher friend who used to teach 1st grade with me a long time ago. It was good to see her. We talk on Facebook all the time, but it doesn't compare to actually seeing her in person. She doesn't change. Love her!
I can't believe April is almost done. May is upon us and a busy month it looks like it will be :).

Thursday, April 15, 2010

A Nice Day . . .

There is always so much to do everyday ~ at work, at home...
Parents want so much for their children ~ I was there once. I had a mother ask me yesterday if I was still going to tutor after school. My answer was "no." I am done with tutoring for this school year, however, a neighbor teacher graciously offered an opening in her tutoring class. This mom jumped at the offer since her child definitely could benefit from more reading instruction. She got the spot. She was elated. I felt bad for a little while because I was no longer tutoring, but then I was happy for her and her son, my student.
Life is interesting.
Today Starbucks was offering coffee for free so long as you took your own mug. I had a wonderful morning with my Starbuck's coffee and rasberry muffin. :) This was a nice "tax day."

Saturday, April 10, 2010

To the Kitchen!

I wanted to attempt to make a delicious meatloaf tonight, but alas... I don't know how. Don't get me wrong, I follow the recipe on the oatmeal box, but it comes out too dry ~ and hard! I went online, but most recipes need ingrediants that I don't have in my little pantry so I guess I'll make spaghetti -- easy!

The first week back from vacation at work was exhausting. There's always so much work to keep up with ~ grading, prepping, copying etc. Morale is low, too, among my fellow teachers who got pink-slipped (lay off notices). I don't blame them as I think I'd feel the same had it been me. I feel sad for them, but hope that things will turn around for the better.

We found out also that my cousin's son was in a bad accident and is in intensive care at a hospital far from their home, but he is recovering. They are in my thoughts and God bless them all.

**I had a dream last night that if I could touch the clouds then I would touch my sister... I was trying so hard to reach up. I love you, sister.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Taxes Done! YAY!!!!

Oh my gosh!!! Finally our taxes are done for another year!!!! I hate doing taxes ~ it's tedious and mildly nerve wrecking. Hate it! But nonetheless, here we are another year, thank God, doing taxes which really should be the least of our worries, right? Yes.

My mini-vacation is over, as of Monday I go back to work and the best part is that I get to see my little ones again. I'm so excited about seeing them :). Then there's that dark ominous cloud that will hang over our school waiting to hear who is really layed off, and who is going to be teaching what grade next year. I hope I get to stay in my first grade classroom. We never know. Too many changes again.

Tomorrow is Easter ~ God bless us all.

Music of the Heart

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