Sunday, September 13, 2009


Do you see Hagerman right above Twin Falls in the southern part of Idaho? This is where I grew up from 5th grade until I graduated from high school. My little sister and her family lives in Gooding which is slightly above Hagerman.
This is the Hagerman Valley. The Snake River winds its way through this valley which used to give us much diversion in our younger years -- fishing especially. Up above on the plateau, my dad used to have some of his farm land. Acres and Acres of farm land. He grew potatoes and beans, some sugar beets, too. (Would you believe I don't like potatoes all that much? I can eat one or two french fries, but that's it -the taste just does not appeal to me. My family loves potatoes :). But I do LOVE fish! Hence, the name of my blog :).

Ahhhh.... the famous Thousand Springs. Beautiful . . . beautiful. These springs come out of the canyon all along the beautiful Hagerman valley. They said they come from a lost river buried underneath the canyon.
My mama left today for Idaho -- she's going "home" for about 2-3 weeks with my little sister. She sounded so excited and happy to be going and I was happy for her, too. A little bitterweet since my sister always took her. She will be visiting with my sister and her family, my cousins, and many friends. I hope she has a good time, no, I know she will, but it will be sad, too.
She thought of taking my sister's ashes since "home" was where my sister wanted her ashes to be spread, but I don't think my mama is ready for that yet. She hopes to do it next year. God willing, we will accompany her.
Tomorrow is the beginning of a new work-week. Have a blessed week everyone. :)

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