Monday, May 23, 2011

Almost There ....

It's been a long time since I have written on my blog ~ I had to verify who I was ~ interesting :). Almost done with our school year. It's been a long, long school year. I think it's been one of the longest, hardest I have ever had. I started out the school year with five behavior problems that was reduced by one half way through the year. Children now a days are different from the children I began teaching with. I don't know what it is really. I have to think it's the fact that both parents may be working and no one is home for the children. Perhaps it's the discipline parents give in this day and age which does not exist. Lack of respect is another detriment ~ bad language seems common. So sad. I'm ready to let this group go. Don't get me wrong, I have some really sweet, respectful students and I feel for them when those four get out of hand ~ and those students I will miss.

My health has improved a lot. Finally went to see a nutritionist and she has helped me so much. Feeling so much better, but still have a way to go.

Looking forward to the day I can retire and leave the teaching to the young folks. :)

Memorial Day is around the corner. I should have report cards done by then and looking forward to a peaceful weekend.

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