Sunday, June 10, 2007

A Beautiful Bedroom

I haven't blogged for a while. Things have been very busy around the old homestead. After our son moved out, we had a spare bedroom with thoughts of what to do? A Pool Room? A video game room? A catch - all room (oh, it already was :-) And we can be pretty layed-back, take our time for a long time and that's ok with us. BUT this time we are hurrying to get this room done because my Mom's birthday is in two weeks and a lot of the family is coming, therefore, preparing the extra bedroom for guests. Whew! It's been. . .

In less than a week, it's been painted, a bed has been bought, curtains hung, furniture (ugly) moved out. It looks so pretty -- almost like another world. My honey has worked very hard getting it ready. Thank-you, Honey. We have done it in the style of Tahitian - Mexican, HA!

To top things off, report cards will be due in one week and I still need to finish grading all the kid's math packets. I think I have two weeks worth left. The good thing, tho, is that most of the time, I grade as they do. Therefore, I just need to more or less enter grades. I can't wait for this year to be done. It's time for my little ones to leave me. They've been a really great group. I will definitely miss them - a lot.

Next weekend -- a wedding -- then my Mom's birthday (an interesting day to say the least). I will be on my best behavior -- I promise :-).

1 comment:

Estrella Luna said...

Me Too!
Best Behavior
: )

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