Tuesday, December 11, 2007

"Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid."

Sometimes life will throw us a detour to help make us a better, kinder, more compassionate person. We go through life trying to do our best by helping where we think is necessary and important without thinking of the outcomes.

I feel the hurt that my daughter has gone through recently especially in the death of their kitty. She's always been a child so in love with every little animal that comes around -- "Can I keep it?" As a child we let her keep so many animals. At one time we had chickens, ducks, goats, a pony, a peacock, cats & dogs. She had a name for all of them. It would break my heart whenever one of her "pets" died and her dad and her would go bury it in the very corner of our acre plus land. She'd make a little cross or marker to let us know they were there. The next few days, she had another little animal to help heal her broken heart. And now they lost Timba. But he's ok, spiritually he is still around and someday she'll see him again. I know.
Then there's the episode of the "curtains." "Dad" in his infinite wisdom blessed by God said we should have taken Grandma to pick them out that way they would have been her choice and no one could have disputed the color or design or fabric or length or ANYTHING!!! Ha! That's why he took her to pick out her carpet. Like he said, "She picked it out!" Ah, but we didn't think.
Nevertheless, it's ok. Family is family and we love them. We must not let our hearts become hardened because then we lose sight of God's meaning for our lives. We need to stop and listen to His voice and understand what he has planned for us which definitely includes Him. And He is Love.
Mija, all I can say is you did good, you are blessed and we love you. Best of all you have new curtains in your living room!!! Alright then!

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