Friday, October 26, 2007

Plural Marriages?

The red moon on a Friday night. Fires are still blazing somewhere up in the mountains. So sad. Tired of the smoke-filled sky. I want to see our blue sky again.

Read some more of my book. It's called "Shattered Dreams" by Irene Spencer. It's amazing how a religion can make a person so dependent on it that it is their only means of salvation and eternal life. Dependent to the point of giving up your happiness to live in a "God-forsaken" area where nothing grows, no electricity, no nice clothes or niceties of life like jam, peanut butter, or fresh fruit. Destined to live with a man who's only thought is on procreation so that he may "secure" that kingdom on some world and populate it with his offspring. This is called "the Principle." And the men control it.

Forget what they say about no jealousy between wives in a plural marriage. Their definitely are jealousies. And why shouldn't there be? Stupid men in this religion!

I watched some people who live in plural marriages on Oprah today. What a coincidence. It was interesting, but vague. These people (pretty wives who say they don't get jealous - yeah, right) danced around the questions giving really sweet answers -- too syrupy for me. They did have a lady who used to live in the same compound that Warren Jessop lived in. At 14 she was married off to a 50 year old man... Cochino! She had I think 8 children with this man. But she said she was so unhappy. When her daughter turned 14, there was talk of marrying her off to an older man. Then while this lady's husband was away on a business trip, she left the compound with her eight children and never looked back. She didn't want her children to be a part of this religion anymore. Of course, she's shunned and will never be accepted again by them. BUT at least her children are safe. Now this was realism. Liked that lady.

I also watch BIG LOVE on HBO. Now that's a good show about plural marriages. Interesting and intriguing.

Why do I find this subject interesting? Who knows. Maybe because I was around it so much growing up that I always wondered about it. I've had friends who are Mormons and they've always been so secretive about it. I guess it's investigating a curiosity.

1 comment:

Kasi said...

I agree with you on the oprah show... I watched as well and felt the women gave all the 'right' answers. Nothing concrete or new on what has already been reported. I don't understand my interest in this subject either, but would like to see some real answers and reporting and not just want makes it more uniform to the day to day christian life.

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