Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Here we are again, one day before the 4th of July. I finally finished getting everything ready at work for a new year at school. My daugher says,"Mom, go home!" And she's right -- I need to go home, but beginning a school year unprepared is like going to work with two different shoes on and one of them being a slipper. Can't do it. But I'm ready. Here we go. I met the new teachers -- every year we get new teachers. I have been at my job for 21 years and every year new teachers are hired, old teachers move on or retire. The ones I met today are so nice. Really like them. They're going to fit in just fine. One teacher who's name is "Pat" is probably as old as me and it's her first year teaching. I liked her. As a side note: Our last principal whom I liked very much always hired young blond teachers (I have nothing against blonds, but come on -- brunettes are pretty good, too. :-) When my daughter used to sub at our school, she would say -- "I feel like I'm in a segment of "Children of the Corn." Hmmm.... So needless to say, it's good to see variety again.

My little sister-in-law called me last night and we talked for a good long time. She is feeling dread -- she doesn't know what it means. I don't either. I wish I could help her figure it out, but I can't. I'll wait to see what it is. Interesting how we can get these feelings and why do we? Got to clean now :-) I have neglected my house. I'm so glad our daughter is having the 4th at her house. Ahhhhhhh........

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