Sunday, June 24, 2007

June 23, 2007

Today was my mother's birthday. It was a wonderful day for her. I could tell she was very touched by all who attended. It was a surprise to her to see one of my brothers and my little sister. She was so happy and I was happy for her. She deserved this day. God bless her.

Because it was a Hawaiian theme, there were lots of shis-ka-bobs (I don't think I spelled that right, but you know what I mean). They were absolutely delicious!

My daughter's gift to my mom -- in a coconut! It was a wonderful day.

Yesterday, before my mom's birthday, we went to "Play on the Freeway!" It was a lot of fun and quite interesting to see how they brought it altogether with so many activities. We have been waiting patiently for this freeway to be done. I think they have been working on it for at least seven years. Perhaps this was their way to say have a little bit more patience -- soon it will be done.

My husband remembers when the Helms Bakery truck would cruise the neighborhoods on the West Side selling glazed doughnuts and pastries. How neat is that? Wow! One of the Car Show entries.

A cool rock climbing wall. Lots of kids.

Mayor Quimby and the gang. :-)

It was cool to actually walk on the freeway and look at all these really well-taken-care-of old cars. I enjoy car shows.

A picture of a "Hello Kitty" car for my daughter.

My future car -- when I retire or perhaps an updated version would be nicer. :-)

Good Old Stater Brothers.

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