Monday, February 2, 2009

Remembering . . .

Do you remember when we used to run over the grassy hills outside that little two room house we lived in when we were kids? We'd run and run, playing and laughing till we were tired. Sometimes the wind would blow us along helping us to run faster. Do you remember?

Do you remember when we used to slide down that curving "fire escape" slide at that old Minidoka school?

Do you remember that I learned how to ride a two wheeler using the Luis' bike? Boy, did I get hurt when I fell straight down -- darn boy's bike!

Do you remember the dog named "Poochie?" and his owner, that little girl with the cowboy boots? We thought she called her dog "Fuchi!" Oh, we would laugh - do you remember?

I remember.

Today you had your second surgery in less than six weeks. I'm so sorry you're going through so much pain. But your gratefulness showed through and helped us to also see the good in all this. We love you.

1 comment:

Tia Maria said...

I'm sorry to hear about your sister's health. I know that yesterday's news was a disappointmnet to you and your family. Cherish each moment that you have. Pray that her pain diminishes soon. Hope that your family becomes closer.

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