Monday, January 19, 2009


I like to take pictures of nature in all its wonder.
Amazing what wind can do to clouds.

The moon coming up over the San Bernardino mountains this last weekend. Beautiful. . .

Today was MLK Day. It was nice to stay home. Look at these cloud formations -- so cool.
My mom and sister came to visit me today. It was so good to see them. My sister looks rested and well. She says she feels good. I made her a "Surprise Cake" because she loves that kind of cake. It was delicious!! Usually when I make a cake, it takes us a while to eat it all and sometimes we don't finish it. Today we ate it all! I'm so glad her appetite has returned. God bless her and my mom.

Thank you Lord for your gift of nature. I absolutely love it! You are so good to us.

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