Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Cleaning is Good!

Yesterday I cleaned our office -- my son in-law will be so happy since he likes to study for his Master's in this cluttered room. My son said "Mom, there was nothing for me to hit my toe on!" Smart-aleck! Nonetheless, it's clean and spacious once again. I'm embarressed by the clutter that accumulates the three months that I'm on-track, although I can honestly say this accumulation was since last summer. Why I didn't clean in December (my last off-track time) I don't remember -- too long ago. Ha! I'm getting rid of the "Mr. Wonderful" doll, keeping the big, green alien from Roswell, got rid of some stumpy, not my style, candlesticks and threw away lots of paper trash. My gosh! Where does it come from? Oh! And I also put away the 4th of July decorations! Finally! Wait a minute-- the 4th of July is 3 months away - oh well... it's put away. I guess that's why they call this time of year Spring Cleaning -- I like it! Oh, and daughter in case you read this -- I found a stocking stuffer for you, but I'll put it in your Easter basket! :-) Ah... now to attack my bedroom. Life is good. Thank you, Lord.

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