Sunday, January 7, 2007


Yesterday I began my first blog. I had to leave because my father-in-law was rushed to the hospital, but he is ok. My little sister-in-law, God bless her soul, had become worried because he had woken from a dream screaming and slurring his words. He is diabetic and we worry about him. Also he had been in a traffic accident not too long ago and I'm sure this has caused him lots of stress. He is ok now. The doctor thinks he didn't eat right and the stress. My sister-in-law diagnosed it just right. She should be the doctor.

It wasn't too hard to write all that. I used to write a lot in high school. I even got the award in English-Writing my Senior year which was quite an accomplishment for me seeing that Spanish is my first language. Through the years, tho, raising a family has taken precedence over anything else. My writing extends to a few e-mails to a favorite brother and best friend in New Mexico and that's it. Oh, also Christmas cards :-). I'll send Christmas cards.

I was raised to keep my thoughts to myself. Family business stayed as family business. So this should be quite an endeavor. I will write about the weather! Ha!

Tomorrow I go back to work after being on vacation for 6 weeks. It will be great to see my little ones. I teach 1st grade.

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