Thursday, July 29, 2010

A Long Day . . .

New school year began today. Looks like this will be the year of my challenge - not that I haven't had them before, but I have a feeling it will be trying. I had to redo my seating chart already. I thought I could wait until the end of the day tomorrow to move them, but nope - I'll have to move them first thing in the morning other words, they will drive me crazy with their constant talking.

I have a little guy who I feel will need some extra continuous reminders of why he's at school, but what the heck, it was only the first day. It's bound to get better. I'll give them a month to leave their kinder behaviors and join the ranks of being first graders. Then we'll be fine, I hope. Remind me why I got into this profession again?

I got to get some sleep...

Never mind about "Bringing it on!" Spoke too soon -- yawn....

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A New School Year!!

Can you tell that I am back to work :)... Today was my first day back and I definitely felt that I was juggling a hundred and one things. I would do this and start that and come back to this and go back to that!!! So many little loose ends to tie up tomorrow before the children begin their first day on Thursday.

I think the best part of the day was seeing my friends again and chatting with them. I have so many good friends at this school and feel blessed. I have a feeling that it will be a very good school year - I'm excited at the possibilities and look forward to meeting my new little ones.

Ok, new school year -- Bring It On!!!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

A Little Break . . .

Taking a break again . . . it must be my summer vacation time . . . :).

This weekend we took a quick trip to Fountain Valley which is near Irvine to see my niece from Sacramento play in a softball tournament. It was such a pleasant experience. My children and my brothers were there also. We had a very nice time and then to make the day even better, we had dinner together talking, sharing, and laughing. I love times like this.

Today I started reading "Eclipse." I love these books! They are such good, easy-to-read books. I enjoy this style of writing.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Your Birthday

Today is my husband's birthday :).
Happy Birthday, Honey!

We are so blessed...

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A Little Bit of Hollywood. . .

Stopped to eat lunch at Sitton's North Hollywood Diner with my mom today. It was a pretty eclectic sort of place with movie star pictures hanging everywhere, stain glass windows covering the front wall, and chef and waiter statues here and there. My mom and I sat at a booth and ordered our lunch. They were so nice because my mom ordered a meal that came with a vegetable soup thick with vegetables and thick broth. I tasted it and it was sooooo good! As I scooted over by my mom to share, the waitress brought me a smaller bowl free of charge. How nice!! By the time we were done with our soups, we were full! We brought most of our main meal home.

I had such a nice time with my mom. We talked and talked about everything, but mostly about her move north with my brother. I hope all goes well with her. It must be hard to move around like she is. She feels obligated, she feels sad, she feels hopeful -- so many mixed feelings. I try to help her to see the positive, but after living with my sister for over 20 years or so, I imagine it will be another difficult change for her.

I wish my sister was still here. Miss you and love you.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Scrapbooking . . .

I've been scrapping with my daughter for the last three days!!! My gosh! It is time consuming!! BUT rewarding! Up until this last week, I hadn't touched my photos since the year 1995. I am now to the year 2000 and taking a break :) My poor house has been neglected, I haven't been on the computer much, and my next book "Eclipse" sits waiting to be opened and read. But life is good...

I've enjoyed spending time with my daughter, this has been the plus :). Love that child!!
We laughed, we chatted, we watched her "Animal Planet" shows which were crazy in themselves. We spend one day watching some guy trying to become part of a lion pride. By the time he was done (forgot how many weeks he was out there) he looked liked Grizzly Adam's cousin. He was definitely crazy!

And now I need to put 2000 year in the album. Rewarding :). Now my youngest son can see pictures of himself after his 5th birthday-ha!!

Monday, July 5, 2010

A Movie . . .

Today has been a lazy kick-back kind of day. Started early with a cup of coffee and toast. That in itself was very nice. Cleaned the main rooms from yesterday's 4th of July gathering and than sat down to watch a movie with my husband. It was an old Bruce Willis movie called "Fifth Element" or something like that. It was very interesting. I hadn't sat down to watch a movie such as this in quite a while, but any movie would look great on a flat screen t.v. WHAT? Yes! We bought ourselves a flat screen t.v. -- our last t.v. which we had for 15 years or so finally quit on us - just went black. It was a heavy "son-of-a-gun!" (like my honey says :), one of those ancient big old sets with a big backside. This one is so stream-lined and beautiful. God willing, it will last us for another 15 years plus.

I hope everyone had a nice holiday. Back to work tomorrow. For me I have about 3 more weeks until I return to work --- ahhhhh. . . nice . . . more movies .... :)

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July!!

Happy 4th of July!!! Especially to all our soldiers who are courageously fighting to keep our country free and safe.

Music of the Heart

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