Report cards are done! Wow, what a chore! It's like a sigh of relief when the Principal signs them and returns them to you. It's a major accomplishment. I grade EVERYTHING which is exhausting, but I want parents to see how well their children are doing, therefore, giving me an overall consensus of their abilities. Ok, maybe I don't grade everything, but the majority. I need a break!!!
Parent conferences are next week, am I ready? For the most part, yes. But I could do with a little bit of organization. Tomorrow.
Remember, my niece had a Halloween party here at our home last Sat.? We had the most fun! I love to dance and the music was great. Her husband is a DJ and he did an amazing job. People were always dancing. My son was a gorilla after all and his girl was a Go-Go dancer -- so cute watching them dance -- A big gorilla with a very cool, sweet Go-Go dancer in white boots. :-)
There were so many people and lots of good food. I'll see if I can post pics later.
And then --- my daughter, my artistic and creative daughter, has been asked to display her "Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) alter at a museum in the next city near us. We are very excited. She does an elaborate display in honor of my father, her grandma, and her "nino" (godfather). She makes sugar skulls which we help decorate and this year we will be decorating on Halloween night :-). She also makes "pan de muerto" (bread of the dead) which is delicious. I will definitely take pictures and post them.
Vacation is around the corner. Sweet.