Thursday, October 30, 2008

I'm Done!!!!!

Report cards are done! Wow, what a chore! It's like a sigh of relief when the Principal signs them and returns them to you. It's a major accomplishment. I grade EVERYTHING which is exhausting, but I want parents to see how well their children are doing, therefore, giving me an overall consensus of their abilities. Ok, maybe I don't grade everything, but the majority. I need a break!!!
Parent conferences are next week, am I ready? For the most part, yes. But I could do with a little bit of organization. Tomorrow.
Remember, my niece had a Halloween party here at our home last Sat.? We had the most fun! I love to dance and the music was great. Her husband is a DJ and he did an amazing job. People were always dancing. My son was a gorilla after all and his girl was a Go-Go dancer -- so cute watching them dance -- A big gorilla with a very cool, sweet Go-Go dancer in white boots. :-)
There were so many people and lots of good food. I'll see if I can post pics later.
And then --- my daughter, my artistic and creative daughter, has been asked to display her "Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) alter at a museum in the next city near us. We are very excited. She does an elaborate display in honor of my father, her grandma, and her "nino" (godfather). She makes sugar skulls which we help decorate and this year we will be decorating on Halloween night :-). She also makes "pan de muerto" (bread of the dead) which is delicious. I will definitely take pictures and post them.
Vacation is around the corner. Sweet.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

A Party!!

Halloween is back among us once again. Usually it is not a big deal at our home since our children are now grown. My youngest who is 17 has long since retired to the sofa getting up occasionally when the doorbell rings. He used to wear a mask that when pushing on a hidden button would cause make-believe blood to flow down inside his mask-face scaring many a small child. He would rig up a skull with a hidden microphone that he would use to speak from around the corner. "Hello ...... ooooooo!!! The skull's mouth would open and close as he spoke and its eyes would light up in bright red colors. Oh, and I mustn't forget the big black rat that he would position right inside the door and the spiderwebs hanging in the foyer with big black spiders reaching down to scratch the top of our heads. That was a while back. Last couple of years, we have opted for the candy bowl on a side table and no decorations.

BUT this year, my niece has asked us to allow them to throw a Halloween party at our home. Ok, we said, thinking it will be a few friends and family. But from what I am hearing it has expanded. We will have a DJ, potluck, prizes for best costume and, for sure, lots of dancing. I'm excited!

I'm not sure what I will dress up like -- I'm trying to talk my son into dressing like a "flower child" since his girl will be a go-go dancer.

Now I need to begin the cleaning of the house. Regardless, if the party is outside, we always have someone ask to see our home. It makes me feel good, but I worry about how tidy and clean it is. I can do this. No problem -- just get busy! :-)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Tina Turner!!!

Monday night, 6:00 p.m., entering the area of the Staples Center, Los Angeles Convention Center and the Nokia building -- Amazing! We were going to see Miss Tina Turner!!!!! I was so excited!
Yay!!! The Staples Center!! We are here!!!! Can you believe it? Tina Turner!!!!! Oh, my gosh!!!

No cameras were allowed so I downloaded these two pics from images (google). She wore the same red dress Monday night and those legs -- she is gorgeous!! The concert was the BEST! I was so excited to see her in person -- I never imagined that I would. Her voice is amazing and her dancing -- for being older -- was so much fun to watch. Ok -- I think I want to look like her when I get older! :-) When she did Proud Mary, the audience went wild, including me -- how exciting it was. She said, "I don't think this next song needs an introduction" And we started screaming! So very, very cool -- the ultimate.

This is the exact poster that was hanging on both sides of the stage. Isn't she beautiful? Thank you, son, for the tickets. What a wonderful, super-fabulous birthday present. I love you. -- Mom

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Today was my father's birthday. He would have been 81 years old. I loved my father very much. He was strict when we were growing up, an authoritative father, but he was also fun to be around. We used to play baseball with him - with 8 or 9 children at one time, we had quite a baseball team. In the winter, he used to pull us on a sled tied to the back of his pickup truck over mounds of snow. It was so much fun. I remember Sunday mornings Spanish music playing as we woke up. I remember dancing with him. I remember him singing all the old "rancheras." I remember fishing and camping. After I got married, I remember his visits to our home for a cup of coffee. We would sit and talk for a long time. He would tell me all his stories of long ago when he was growing up and I began to understand him better. As he grew older, he became sick with diabetes and heart problems. He also changed from the strict disciplinarian to a kind, gentle soul. He loved his grandchildren and he loved us. The day he died, I told him I loved him. "Do you love me, too, Dad?" And he nodded "yes." "I'll be back soon, Dad." My sister called to tell me he had died in the half hour after I left him. I returned to hug him one more time and fix his hair. My dad.
I miss him. We all do. Happy Birthday, Dad. We love you.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

An Art Festival in Celebration of Us

My little ones created a mural for our school's Hispanic Heritage Art Festival. I was so proud of them since I watched them carefully paint their 8x10 canvas using water colors. After putting it all together like a puzzle, the results was this beautiful work of art.

I liked that it depicted children walking to school. When I asked my students what they saw in the mural, one of my girls said, "I see the world." This was so cool. :-)

Beautiful sun, beautiful flowers . . .

My first graders did a really great job. From what I understand, this mural is displayed in East Los Angeles by an artist whose name is unreadable. Thank you artist for a wonderful inspiration. I have always wanted to do a mural with my students. Happy celebration for us Latinos!!!

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