Monday, June 30, 2008

Time for ?

There's a million and one things to do. But I don't feel like it. I have been feeling really lazy lately about things. I'm energetic about getting my classroom ready and then I stop and think, "Ok, I'm ready to go home now." Then I come home with every intention of cleaning, but I don't. Ok, I must be in a rut. A house-cleaning rut. But, by golly, I will get out of this rut and clean - tomorrow :-). Teenage son is vacumming stairs, maybe I'll get inspired . . . no, doesn't work. Ha!
I think I'll go read a book. Tomorrow is another day.

Friday, June 27, 2008


Where have I been? I've been transcending Cyberspace for the last three weeks. Ask me anything -- I think I can do it or answer it beyond the confines of the Earth. I can visit the rain forest in Indonesia. I can float with the astronauts in the Space Shuttle. I can visit the individual rooms of the White House. And best of all, I can hang out with the Galapagos Tortoise in its fine and beautiful habitat. This, by far, was the best class I ever took. I learned sooooo much. COOL! Have a restful weekend, everyone!

Thursday, June 5, 2008


I have just begun my last online class. I'm tired. This one is an Internet for Educators class. I thought it would be a great class to take since I know so little about the internet. I read some of the posts of my classmates and they are so smart. These are very educated people. I feel a bit out of place. I don't understand the work-at least last night I didn't, but going over to a coworker's room who said she would look at it, it was very easy to understand - duh! I think I'm just overworked. Report cards are due, brought a lot of stuff into my room -- yay! we're going single-track.

It's been. ..

Sunday we went to a benefit dance for a dear friend of ours who has cancer. We did not know he was so sick. So many people were there. It broke our hearts to see him so ill. He is very loved. The bands were great, especially the last two. We danced and danced and danced. It was the best! But for our friend, we wish for him many more good days. God bless him.

Music of the Heart

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