Thursday, April 24, 2008

Online Classes

Online classes are not so bad. I'm having an interesting time with it and learning how to navigate in and out of cyberspace. It's so cool. I actually think I'm getting the hang of it.

It's also interesting to "talk" to people from all over the U.S. One of my classmates lives in New Jersey. Another in Miami.

We have disucussion questions we need to answer and then respond to. It's pretty neat to "listen" to people with your same thoughts and different interpretations. We don't all live in California and have to live with Prop 227--the Unz Initiative. It's cool to see that people can still teach in two languages. But everything is a circle story -- we'll be back there again. God-willing.

Everyone have a blessed day. :-)

Monday, April 21, 2008

Rest . . .

The party is over . . . sigh of relief. It was a really nice party. Lots of family and friends. Good food and drinks. But it was a bit chilly. My little sis-in-law looked very happy, laughing and dancing. I'm so glad she was able to have her party here at our home.

Today I rested.

Tomorrow I start school again. I think I need 6 more units to move up to the next pay scale at work. I'm so excited and a bit anticipatory since I've never done an online class before. A friend at work is doing the same class with me so she'll be a big help to me. Wish me luck.

Monday, April 14, 2008

God bless them . . .

What do you say to a mother and father who have lost their child? To a sister who has lost her brother? I don't understand.

The funeral was solemn, sometimes we laughed at a memory spoken by a loved one, sometimes we cried, most of the time we thought about this young man's life and how blessed his family and friends were to have him in their lives. We also thought about our own children and how blessed we are. We never know when our Good Lord will call us home. We need to hug our kids and thank God for them over and over again and tell them how much we love them.

As I hugged my friend's mom, my friend, she asked me about my own son -- my son who used to get her son's hand-me-downs -- I said he was good. She said "Give him a big hug for me and don't ever stop hugging him." We cried together. "I'm so sorry." I told her I loved her. And she said the same.

My heart hurts for the family because they are in so much pain. God bless them.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


A sweet teacher friend of mine lost her little brother last night in a car accident. He was coming home and was hit head on by a reckless driver. He died instantly. I am so sorry for her family. They are truely a very loving family.

A mother of two of my students lost her daughter-in-law from heart failure. She had lost her son about a year ago.

Such sadness.

I believe our lives are written for us before we come to this life. I believe we know where our lives will take us as we prepare to be born, but all that understanding is taken from us when we are born. Sometimes something may seem familiar like a deja-vu, but it's because you are remembering what was already written for you. You had already seen it. All this, however, does not erase the pain we feel when a loved one is taken from us, especially when they are so young.

My heart hurts for my teacher friend, she's gone through so much already. My heart hurts for the family of my "mother." They need so much prayer. God bless them and keep them strong.
God bless us all and our families.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Glorify God

When we go to church, I am in awe of the message we receive in our hearts from God. The songs of praise at the beginning are also amazing because we feel the Holy Spirit so strongly moving in our minds and souls. I leave inspired to do God's work and live by His Word. His Word is the "road map" to our lives. We are not perfect, but we can learn so much.

These are a few of the Bible scriptures we learned today. Meditate on them because they were awesome!

Psalm 100:4-5 Enter into His gates with thanksgiving,
And into His courts with praise.
Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.
For the LORD is good;
His mercy is everlasting,
And His truth endures to all generations.

Thank God for everything in your life, for your home, your job, your car, for waking up in the morning with a sane mind, for your wife, your husband, your children. Thank Him for your food, for your neighbors, for the weather, for who you are. In all things give Him thanks.

Matthew 12:35 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, an an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things.

Always think good things of people, the anger towards someone is only in you. Show people you love them by being kind and respectful because God loves those with a good heart. A person with an dark heart only brings forth sadness.

Last scripture: Proverbs 23:7 "For as a man thinks, so he is"

Your heart controls what you say and also what you do.

Glorify God.
Be thankful
Have a good heart.

Friday, April 4, 2008


Did I tell you that I grew up near the Snake River in Idaho? It was so close to us that we used to go fishing almost every weekend.

During my senior year in high school, I cleaned a house for a wealthy couple, friends of my parents, who lived right on the Snake River. I used to arrive at their home at 10:00 in the morning as they prepared to go out for the day. I loved their home. It was big and spacious with deep blue shag carpets. After vacuuming and dusting and cleaning, I'd go out on their deck which sat over the river and watched speed boats and skiiers rush past me. Some were my friends, others visitors to our beautiful part of our state. It was amazing. Also near this river was a restuarant named Sligar's where I had my first slice of pineapple and ham pizza. Oh my gosh! I'd never tasted pizza like this before -- it was delicious!!!

Why do I remember these things -- because sometimes it's good to remember the good things in life. Friends come and go, life changes from minute to minute, but love is always a constant.

When we bought our home, we said we would open it up for our family and friends. We have had so many gatherings, birthday parties and celebrations in our backyard that overlooks the whole valley and at night it is an absolutely other world. I like when people ask us if they may have a party at our house. Sure it's a lot of work to get the house in order, especially if I'm working, but the joy it brings to our loved ones is far and above the best reward. God has blessed my husband and I with so much and we like to share what we have.

When I was young, I looked out over the Snake River on the deck of this very nice couple. Today I look over a valley as far as I can see from my own deck. How interesting that I'm back where I was. Hmmm....

Memories are still being made. We have so many. That is what is good about Life.

Music of the Heart

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